EAP Consulting & Counseling Services, LLC
Services are offered via secure video platform or by phone. On-site services may also be possible for Michigan locations.
EAP Consultation
Consultation with managers, administrators, and human resource personnel regarding individual employee concerns, group concerns and organizational issues. Common consultation topics include workplace stress, employee morale, wellness, interpersonal conflict, and adjusting to significant challenges and change.
Consultation is also available for employers who already offer EAP services but would like insight
into how to best utilize the program to maximize its benefit to employees and the organization.
Critical Incident & Grief Response Services
Specialized services following critical and disruptive events impacting the workplace, including violence, threats of violence, accidents, and employee deaths. Services range from consultation, assessment of needs,
recommendation of best practice approach, group and individual employee response services, referral and follow up.
Customized Wellness Presentations
Wellness presentations on a variety of topics customized for your workplace and needs. Presentations can be provided via webinar or in-person based on your location and preferences, and geared towards management and/or employee groups. Topics include: Smart Stress Management, Self-Care for Leaders, Workplace Mindfulness, When Trauma Intersects the Workplace and Retirement Transitions.
EAP Coaching
Coaching leaders for professional development. Common coaching topics include communication strategies, employee engagement and retention, addressing stress in the workplace and promoting employee wellbeing.
Coaching for new supervisors and managers. Coaching designed to assist new supervisors make a successful transition in to their role of leading and supporting employees.